Brian of Boston bonds with a Beardie
ABOVE: Brian of Boston makes friends with a soggy doggie.
This afternoon, as we were headed for the Memei pet shop to buy dog food, a man ran up to us in the street next to Venice's fire department.
After calling out, "This dog is famous all over the world," he introduced himself as Brian and said he'd recognized Maggie from her blog photo (even though she wasn't wearing her gondolier hat). He added that he'd planned his trip with the help of our Venice for Visitors travel-planning site.
Brian and his friends are renting an apartment for a leisurely stay in Venice, so there's a good chance that we'll run into him again. In the meantime, we send our alliterative regards to Brian's Bichon Frise back in Boston.
(Brian also had a helpful tip for us: He suggested that we link our photos to larger images. We've done this with the photo above and with our welcome post's image of Maggie in her gondolier hat. We'll continue doing this in the future if we can figure out how to put a border around images and insert "alt" text with Typepad's flaky blog software.)